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Wholesale Flowers

Flowers for Florists & Floral Designers

We take great pride in growing seasonal English flowers of exceptional quality in a way that supports and enhances the eco-system of the farm. It is a delight to work with so many florists and floral designers who appreciate the uniquely exquisite beauty of British cut flowers and the importance of using material that has been grown in a way that respects our environment.

Peacock butterfly on Scabious ochroleuca
Peacock butterfly on Scabious ochroleuca


Throughout our season, we send a weekly email detailing flower and foliage availability and pricing.

This list is available to florists and event designs based within our delivery postcode areas of:

  • London: N1, N4, N19, NW6, NW10, W10, W12, E2, E5, E8, E10 and E17
  • Milton Keynes, Buckingham and Bedford: MK16, MK17, MK18, MK19, MK41, MK42, MK43, MK44 and MK45
  • Northampton: NN7, NN12 and NN13
  • Rugby: CV22 

To receive this list, you can SIGN UP by contacting us here.

Please note, this list is for florists within our delivery area only. If you are a florist outside our delivery area, please email us on and we will see whether we can help. If you are a bride looking to create your own wedding flowers, full information on our “ready to wear” and “DIY” wedding services can be found HERE


Throughout our season, we send a weekly email detailing flower and foliage availability and pricing.

This list is available to florists and event designs based within our delivery postcode areas of:

  • London: N1, N4, N19, NW6, NW10, W10, W12, E2, E5, E8, E10 and E17
  • Milton Keynes, Buckingham and Bedford: MK16, MK17, MK18, MK19, MK41, MK42, MK43, MK44 and MK45
  • Northampton: NN7, NN12 and NN13
  • Rugby: CV22 

To receive this list, you can SIGN UP by contacting us here.

Please note, this list is for florists within our delivery area only. If you are a florist outside our delivery area, please email us on and we will see whether we can help. If you are a bride looking to create your own wedding flowers, full information on our “ready to wear” and “DIY” wedding services can be found HERE

We take great pride in growing seasonal English flowers of exceptional quality in a way that supports and enhances the eco-system of the farm. It is a delight to work with so many florists and floral designers who appreciate the uniquely exquisite beauty of British cut flowers and the importance of using material that has been grown in a way that respects our environment.

Peacock butterfly on Scabious ochroleuca